About Us

At bioNorum, we are committed to refining renewable resources into innovative products for the benefit of society, our environment and future generations.

The transition from fossil raw materials towards the processing of renewable resources requires the establishment of biorefineries. By applying new process technologies, both materials and energy are recovered from renewable raw materials by means of cascading utilization pathways.

In this way, we make the best possible use of the biosphere’s photosynthetic output, generate renewable energy from processes and close the nutrient cycle by returning nutrients back to the soil.

It all sounds quite simple – but in reality it’s certainly challenging

Together with our partners, we develop sustainable solutions and key technologies for specific raw materials, products and applications.
In this context we have a passion for transferring research outputs into real operations by piloting in production scale.  

In doing so, we rely on our core competencies:
Inventiveness, expertise and perseverance.

BioNorum GmbH was founded in 2021 as part of the implementation of the EU Farm4more project. As the owner of the Japons green biorefinery, bioNorum is responsible for implementing and operating the plant as well as marketing the products.

BioNorum has entered into a strategic partnership with Ireland-based BRID – Biorefinery Research, Implementation and Development Ltd. in the field of green biorefineries in order to jointly promote the implementation of technologies for innovative grass utilization in Austria and Ireland. 


BioNorum is currently undergoing the certification process to become a

organic-certified processor for the production of products and animal feed in certified organic quality.

If you can’t recognize the value of interdisciplinary cooperation and you are unable to use it, you may do everything yourself.

BioNorum has a spirit for cooperation.

We have a track record of working together with a number of renowned research partners on specific research issues and applied development projects:

TU-Vienna, TU-Graz, tbw Research, Wood-Kplus Competence Center, IFA-Tulln, HBLFA- Raumberg Gumpenstein; University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, CES- clean energy solutions, FHNW University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, UCD- University College Dublin…